Programming style question: getting data from odometry or tf?
I wrote the following two programs to get my robot move in a particular direction and distance.
where the first program subscribes to odometry topic, and the second program gets the position of the robot with a transform listener, more specifically with:
self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0))
Both programs work equally good. This is more of a programming style question.
What are the pros/cons of each one, and which one is considered best practice?
The odometry could stop sendign messages. Is that the case with the tf?
I would like to choose one style for my future programs. Which one should I prefer?
Best Regards, C.A.
The links that you've included return 404s, perhaps you can repost them?
hello, I have changed the links