Multiple Turtlebots in Gazebo
Is it possible to separate the /cmd_vel and /odom topics when spawning multiple turtlebots in Gazebo?
My launch file looks like this:
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
<node name="gazebo" pkg="gazebo" type="gazebo" args="-u $(find gazebo_worlds)/worlds/" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
<group ns="robot1">
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/ '$(find turtlebot_description)/urdf/turtlebot.urdf.xacro'" />
<node name="spawn_turtlebot_model1" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args=" -urdf -param robot_description -namespace robo1 -x 0 -y 1 -model robo1" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/ '$(find turtlebot_description)/urdf/turtlebot.urdf.xacro'" />
<node name="spawn_turtlebot_model2" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args=" -urdf -param robot_description -namespace robo2 -x 1 -y 1 -model robo2" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
<node name="spawn_turtlebot_model3" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args=" -urdf -param robot_description -namespace robo3 -x 1 -y -1 -model robo3" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
and rostopic list looks like this:
With this setup I see 3 turtlebots in gazebo but get only one cmd_vel and odom topic so I can't control only them separately. I use natty with electric
Any ideas? Thank you very much
What nodes are generating your odom and cmd_vel messages?
Thanks Ryan, I tried your solution and changed line 36 to node_namespaceP_ = new ParamT<std::string>("robotNamespace","",0);
but the topics still are /odom and /cmd_vel. What else needs to be changed?
Did you test to see that passing in that renamed parameter via the URDF (gazebo.urdf.xacro) in turtlebot_description renames it correctly?
How do I do that? I'm not sure for what I have to look.
and when will you release the new version of the turtlebot simulator?
I actually tried to put in the xml file the robotNamespace parameter, but it is not detected... always cmd_vel..