Move base navigation malfunctions
Hi all,
I am developing a diff wheel autonomous robot using the move_base package. I use wheel encoders, a lidar sensor and AMCL to estimate the current pose. When I set a simple goal, 1 meter to the right of the initial pose which I manually set, the global plan of NavfnRos seems fine. However the local plan deviates from this plan, which causes the robot not to get to its goal. See the screenshot below.
You see the upper green line is the path as retrieved from topic /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/local_plan.
The other green line is the path as retrieved from topic /move_base/NavfnROS/plan.
The rectangle is the robot's footprint, and the attached arrow the current pose.
Lastly, the lower arrow is the goal pose.
My question is: why does the local plan diverge from the global plan? It would make a lot more sense if the local plan would turn right instead of left.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT Here is an RVIZ capture video where you see the behaviour of the local path:
Thanks in advance, Simon