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Local planner stops shortly before arriving at goal

asked 2019-12-20 15:03:43 -0500

madmax gravatar image

updated 2019-12-21 03:16:49 -0500

I am using ros2 and the navigation2 stack with dwb local planner.
Moving along a path works quite good until I come close to the goal.
As soon as I am about half a meter away from goal, local planner stops and recovery behavior starts.
No debug information thats helping in any way from local_controller.

Tried with default params and played with planner costs but didn't help.

animated problem


[bt_navigator-9] 1576919591.457560223: [osg_1.bt_navigator] [INFO]      Begin navigating from current location to (16.29, -5.22)
[controller_server-6] 1576919591.484765495: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Received a goal, begin computing control effort.
[controller_server-6] 1576919592.538323109: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919593.537786932: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919594.588264789: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919595.588693952: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919596.588160183: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919597.587782147: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919598.638209477: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919599.638641570: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919600.638103478: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919601.637982831: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919602.687874252: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919603.687692602: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919604.688053416: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919605.738370498: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919606.737878037: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919607.738398407: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[bt_navigator-9] 1576919608.102711864: [osg_1.bt_navigator] [INFO]      Received goal preemption request
[bt_navigator-9] 1576919608.103001664: [osg_1.bt_navigator] [INFO]      Begin navigating from current location to (15.96, -3.88)
[controller_server-6] 1576919608.738182619: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919609.787711291: [osg_1.controller_server] [INFO]    Preempting the goal. Passing the new path to the planner.
[controller_server-6] 1576919610.187985470: [osg_1.controller_server] [ERROR]   Failed to make progress
[controller_server-6] 1576919610.188201041: [osg_1.controller_server_rclcpp_node] [WARN]        [follow_path] [ActionServer] Aborting handle.
[controller_server-6] 1576919610.189754250: [osg_1.local_costmap.local_costmap] [INFO]  Received request to clear entirely the local_costmap
[controller_server-6] 1576919610.190666358: [osg_1.local_costmap.local_costmap] [INFO]  Received request to clear entirely the local_costmap
[planner_server-7] 1576919610.192350578: [osg_1.global_costmap.global_costmap] [INFO]   Received request to clear entirely the global_costmap
[recoveries_server-8] 1576919610.195166780: [osg_1.recoveries_server] [INFO]    Attempting spin
[recoveries_server-8] 1576919610.195413958: [osg_1.recoveries_server] [INFO]    Turning -1.57 for spin recovery.
[recoveries_server-8] 1576919611.194813710: [osg_1.recoveries_server] [INFO ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2019-12-20 15:55:20 -0500

This looks like a classic robot controller tuning issue, though I wouldn't discount an actual issue yet.

Have you tried this in simulation with the same robot / settings to reproduce? I'd be interested if this behavior changed if you modified the weights or DWB critics. If it gets tangibly worse or better, then that's on the right track.

Have you tried using the default parameters and seeing if it works with that? Then slowly changing all your parameters and figure out what this is a function of.

What's the cause of recovery behaviors? You didn't include a log snippet.

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Added logs, but doesn't say much to me.
In real world and simulation it was the same behavior.

I took default nav2 params as you suggested and it worked!
Then I went through every change step by step and it took me to the xy_goal_tolerance param. Setting this one to 0.2 instead of 0.25, the controller can't reach his goal.
Debugging this I find a bit hard as I didn't find any rviz helpers or helpful log output.

madmax gravatar image madmax  ( 2019-12-21 03:54:35 -0500 )edit

Failed to make progress tells me alot, that means there may be an issue in your tuning of the controller or the progress tracker for your robot is too sensative.

If you say something trivial like 0.5 cm difference in position radius, that also supports a tuning issue to work through

stevemacenski gravatar image stevemacenski  ( 2019-12-21 19:58:15 -0500 )edit

Thanks, for the help! Will look into this.

madmax gravatar image madmax  ( 2019-12-22 01:17:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-12-20 15:03:43 -0500

Seen: 753 times

Last updated: Dec 21 '19