How to configure local_costmap.yaml to use CostmapAdapter in DWB planner
Dear all,
I am trying to use Robot Navigation DWBLocalPlanner in Move_Base_Flex, but I am having troubles in configuring local_costmap.yaml. In order to use the costmap layers it is need to load the CostmapAdapter interface so the costmap layers are loaded in DWB namespace. Is this loaded as a layer-like plugin under local_costmap which will automatically point to DWB or shall it be configured a new namespace? Shall it be enhanced with costmap_queue?
Running under Ubuntu 18.04 ROS melodic.
Here is the configuration that I am following:
width: 9.0
height: 9.0
resolution: 0.05
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
global_frame: map
robot_base_frame: base_link
update_frequency: 25.0
publish_frequency: 5.0
map_type: costmap
obstacle_range: 4.5
raytrace_range: 4.5
publish_voxel_map: false
transform_tolerance: 0.5
meter_scoring: true
footprint: [[-0.51, -0.52], [-0.51, 0.52], [0.79, 0.42], [0.79, -0.42]]
footprint_padding: 0.15
# - {name: static_layer, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
- {name: costmap_ros , type: "nav_core_adapter::CostmapAdapter"}
- {name: laser_horizontal_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
# - {name: rgbd_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
- {name: laser_cliff_layer, type: "costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"}
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
Thanks in advance.
What's not working at the moment?
DWB planner is working fine. But is not able to load the local costmap, so dynamic obstacles in the path are not avoided. I am wondering how I am supposed to load the plugin. I think that for having that behavior I need to load the CostmapAdapter plugin, to have the local_costmap loaded in nav_core2 so it can be considered in the planner. Right? Whenever I try it I get the following error:
Since I am using the LocalPlannerAdapter I thought I did not need to use the CostmapAdapter, because everything was running on nav_core and the local_costmap would be loaded in DWB.
Hope this clarifies.
How are you loading the planner itself?
I have a configuration file for the local planners.Where I set the 'name' and 'type' of BaseLocalPlanner and using the nav_core_adapter::LocalPlannerAdapter. As it follows:
I am able to avoid obstacles with other planners such as previous dwa versions or teb.
I see that the planner can work in two different ways:
1- Running on old nav_core : For that it is needed to use LocalPlannerAdapter interface to have DWB loaded in the old nav_stack. For this way the planner should use the local_costmap as it is in the old nav stack.
2- Running on nav_core2. Use directly the BasicCostmap or use CostmapAdapter interface to load Costmap2D
Hi, @Sgm, could you please explain how you got mbf and DWB_local_planner working together? I set my local planner the same way using Adapter, but still facing errors, while planning