ROS Navigation: Remove objects from the costmap with delay
Dear all,
at the beginning some information regarding my robot system:
Turtlebot 3 Waffle
Odroid XU4
360° Laser scanner (RPLidar A3)
IntelRealsense D435
Task IntelRealsense: detection of obstacles that are not detected by the laser scanner.
Both sensors have the authorization to enter and remove obstacles in the costmap.
Is it possible that objects detected by the IntelRealsense camera and entered in the costmap remain in the costmap for a certain time (delay), even if the object is no longer within the camera's field of view?
For local path planning I use the dwa_local_planner.
Edit: The data of the IntelRealsense camera is converted into LaserScan Message by the package "depthimage_to_laserscan".
Best regards,
Would this be something spatio_temporal_voxel_layer could do?
That could work, yes