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Draw me a roadmap (a general overview of what I need to learn to make this project)

asked 2020-01-24 15:38:14 -0500

trashperson gravatar image

I would like to simulate a toy car that goes to randomly generated points on an empty map. My current level of ros is that I've finished A Gentle Introduction to ROS, and learned some Linux and vim stuff. I also have learnt how to get my own CAD models into ROS. Now most of the tutorials available online are provided by The Construct, which are almost useless to me since you get a prepared environment and you don't learn to build the thing yourself. What I'm asking here, is someone point out the main points I need to focus on to be able to realize my car-to-point project. For example, when I feed (ros move car to point) to google, I get lost or get said Construct videos.

Help appreciated.

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-01-27 02:21:14 -0500

mgruhler gravatar image

updated 2020-01-27 03:33:45 -0500

The relevant tutorials are all out there. However, I agree that you have to find your way through all of those. So I'll give a shot about how I'd approach this. (No guarantees I didn't forget anything ;-) And, as I don't know your specific requirements, it'll be very high-level. I recommend to follow-up with specific questions once they arise.)

  1. model your car in GAZEBO (I'm assuming, this is what you want to use for simulation: Tutorials (plural, you'll need to walk through quite a lot here). Goal: being able to move the simulated car with remote control (e.g. keyboard or a joystick).
  2. Get your car localized. Use fake_localization for this (as suggested by @gvdhoorn ). Goal: having the full tf tree set up
  3. set up navigation. you can follow the standard navigation tutorials. If your car has an ackermann-steering, you need to choose an appropriate local planner. I'd suggest the teb_local_planner, but there are probably others that you could use as well. Goal: being able to send the car to a single point (from rviz).
  4. Implement a node that creates and services your random points to the navigation using an action client. Goal: full functionality.

I hope this makes sense. Godspeed :-)

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Get your car localized. [..] So, subscribe to the respective GAZEBO topic and create a tf broadcaster [..]

I'd suggest to use fake_localization for this instead of writing something yourself.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-01-27 02:35:44 -0500 )edit

Great @gvdhoorn, didn't know about that. Totally agree! Edited above

mgruhler gravatar image mgruhler  ( 2020-01-27 03:32:13 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-01-24 15:38:14 -0500

Seen: 129 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '20