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path planning for turtlebot using moveit planner

asked 2020-02-10 02:41:50 -0500

kiko453 gravatar image

Can I use moveit planner as global path planner for the turtlebot navigation? More precision: ros automatically use Djiasktra for path planning when navigating a turtlebot. I want ros to use one of the planner available in moveit or OMPL for path planning. How can I do this? I use ros Kinetic

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2 Answers

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answered 2020-02-10 10:00:18 -0500

updated 2020-02-10 11:02:31 -0500

To extend the above answer:

You can definitely use OMPL inside of navigation. All the planners and algorithms are pluginlib plugins. You can create an OMPL plugin to replace the global planner that uses Dij. / A*. There are a few out there already if you search through GitHub.


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answered 2020-02-10 08:50:06 -0500

jschleicher@Pilz gravatar image

Path planning for mobile navigation is typically done by move_base as part of the navigation stack. MoveIt on the other hand is usually used for n-DOF manipulator path planning (including 3D-occupancy maps and collision-avoidance).

So for mobile robots you have a move_base node differentially driving the base to a place (often using SLAM with laser scanners). Once the base goal is done, a trajectory for the 6-/7-axis (multi-)arm is planned in a high dimensional space: 3D-cameras (e.g. stereo pairs, structured light or time-of-flight sensors) perceive the environment and OMPL or similar planners come into place to generate trajectories for the manipulators while the base stands still.

What do you want to achieve for 2D-setups using OMPL?

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Asked: 2020-02-10 02:41:50 -0500

Seen: 840 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '20