Adding object/changing position in Gazebo and Rviz
I am trying to add a box, with which a KUKA robot could interact (push it into the desired position). Besides being able to interact with it, I have to be able to change its position through a node. Could you point me into the right direction, what should be the right way of doing it? My ideas/attempts are:
- If I create a box in same urdf file as KUKA, the arm avoids the object because of the collision avoidance. I believe that if I could somehow disable this, I could push the object with arm. Will I be able to change the position of the object using tf?
- The second idea is to insert the object in Gazebo using the Gazebo GUI. It seems to work but I am getting an error, right after I have inserted the object:
[ERROR] [1581331637.324486823]: This robot has a joint named "joint_a1" which is not in the gazebo model.
[FATAL] [1581331637.325261818]: Could not initialize robot simulation interface
So far I have not find any impact of that error. I am able to change its position using /gazebo/set_model_state
service. To visualize the object in Rviz, tf broadcaster is needed, right? I think that the actual position of the object I could get from /gazebo/get_model_state
3) The third idea was to create two separate robot_models (2 separate urdf files with 2 urdf_spawn nodes). But with this idea I have had no success so far.
Could you point me to the right direction? How can it be solved?
PS: for better understanding I am trying to create this environment in ROS using KUKA: