Openni_Launch on Lion with Xtion
I'm just returning to ROS after some time. How do you get openni_launch installed in OSX?
I've been able to consistently get ROS Fuerte installed on Lion. using:
I've been able to get VirtualBox with Ubuntu and Fuerte up and running on Lion out of the box.
I've been able to dual boot and get Fuerte and the Xtion with everything working in Ubuntu on the Macbook Air.
But what I want is to get At Least OpenNI_Launch and Openni_camera etc up and running on Lion. I can run roscore, and everything is fine. But Openni_Launch is not present in OSX and obviously apt-get is not either.
How do I install Openni_Launch in an OSX environment? I found:
But it seems to be tailored specifically for the kinect even going as far as swapping out usb drivers...
When I get VirtualBox running on Lion with Ubuntu 64x, everything works except that the camera does not display data either in Rviz or RosTopic.
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
does FIND the camera in the virtualbox vm of Ubuntu, and everything acts like it's about to work, but there is just no picture and on rostopic the camera node is just not displaying data?
If I could get the camera to work in my VM OR if I could get Openni_Launch to work on Lion this would be sufficient for me.
I just want to utilize to objectiveC and the App store for ROS, so I need to be able to get this running on OSX.
Any Suggestions? Thoughts??
>> does FIND the camera in the virtualbox vm of Ubuntu, and everything acts like it's about to work, but there is just no picture and on rostopic the camera node is just not displaying data? I have a similar problem on Ubuntu guest with Ubuntu host.