ros on multiple machine not working properly
I have ran the ros_master in raspberry pi 4b. i have ran a hardware interface noe on pi than sent the trajectory from my laptop. But this pc is not sending this trajectory to the pi and stucks after this msg:
process[rrbot/test_trajectory-1]: started with pid [13184]
[ INFO] [1586587165.238469617]: Starting TestTrajectory...
[ INFO] [1586587165.362308551]: Connecting to action /rrbot/position_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/
[ INFO] [1586587165.508456989]: Waiting for action server to start.
I have set the ros_master_uri in both machine by using cmd:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://raspberrypi.local:11311
Here when i run the hardware interface node and send the trajectory in same machine eg. laptop than it works fine and i can also view the topic using cmd:
rostopic echo /rrbot/position_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
I am following this tutorial to run the ros nodes on different machine. Here also the nodes i.e talker and listern is working properly. but i can only echo the /chatter topic inside the machine from which i run the talker node eg. laptop. when i try to view the same topic inside the master machine i.e pi 4B it don't shows this topic. Why is this happeneing?
IN the trajectory control eg. i am using [this](
repository to check if the hardware interface part runs on pi and the main command can be sent from pc.
What i did overall is:
1. On both pi and laptop : export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://raspberrypi.local:11311
2. On Pi : roslaunch ros_control_boilerplate rrbot_hardware.launch
3. On laptop: roslaunch ros_control_boilerplate rrbot_test_trajectory.launch
and the above msg comes and it stucs their. i am using pi 4B with buster iamge with ros melodic. and laptop with unbutu and melodic.
I also tried this tutorial to check if their is any network problem. And when i try the netcat part. it shows no sucess msg. It looks like their is no part to how to resolve this in that tutorial. so how should i resolve this network problem if their is no success msg while testing netcat on specific port?
I am connecting with pi from laptop with ssh and pi is wireless access point as described here.
Because as @tianb03 hints at: DNS isn't working properly for all involved hosts.
Being able to
rostopic echo
(or similar) in only one direction is a classical symptom of this.