DWB local planner final in-place rotation never happen RotateToGoal
I'm currently using move_base_flex with dwb_local_planner for navigation.
The robot drives smooth and nice, but never get final in-place rotation to the goal pose.
At the very end dwb planner /evaluation
gives me:
score: -1
My robot is quite big, got nice motors and decent imu, the time between machines is synchronized.
My DWB planner parameters are the following:
footprint: [[ 0.7000, 0.4500],
[ 0.8000, 0.0000], # arrow
[ 0.7000, -0.4500],
[ 0.0000, -0.4500],
[-0.7500, -0.4500],
[-0.7500, 0.0000],
[-0.7500, 0.4500],
[ 0.0000, 0.4500]]
- name: 'BaseLocalPlanner'
type: 'nav_core_adapter::LocalPlannerAdapter'
planner_name: dwb_local_planner::DWBLocalPlanner
# Robot Configuration Parameters
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 3.0
max_vel_x: 0.3
min_vel_x: 0.15
max_vel_y: 0.0
min_vel_y: 0.0
max_vel_theta: 0.5
acc_lim_x: 1.2
acc_lim_y: 0
acc_lim_theta: 1.4
decel_lim_x: -1.2
decel_lim_y: 0
decel_lim_theta: -1.4
max_speed_xy: 0.35
min_speed_xy: 0.18
min_speed_theta: 0.35
# Goal checking
goal_checker_name: dwb_plugins::SimpleGoalChecker
critics: ["RotateToGoal", "Oscillation", "ObstacleFootprint", "PathAlign", "GoalAlign", "PathDist", "GoalDist"]
scale: 32.0
slowing_factor: 5.0
lookahead_time: -1.0
scale: 0.01
max_scaling_factor: 0.2
scaling_speed: 0.25
scale: 32.0
scale: 32.0
scale: 16.0
forward_point_distance: 0.325
scale: 32.0
xy_goal_tolerance: 0.1
yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.05
trans_stopped_velocity: 0.1
rot_stopped_velocity: 0.05
# Forward Simulation Parameters
sim_time: 1.7
linear_granularity: 0.05
vx_samples: 3
vtheta_samples: 30
Has somebody faced this issue before?
param is set to 4.0
Also, I'm using velocity smoother, params are:
<param name="speed_lim_v" value="0.35"/>
<param name="speed_lim_w" value="0.7"/>
<param name="accel_lim_v" value="1.2"/>
<param name="accel_lim_w" value="3.2"/>
<param name="decel_factor" value="0.6"/>
<param name="frequency" value="100"/>
<param name="robot_feedback" value="0"/>