Blooming with ros industrial CI pipelines
Hi guys,
I have a private repo on bitbucket cloud that I've integrated with Industrial_CI, which so far just does catkin build test on a docker image for me.This provides the CI framework for me, but I'd like to bloom and release my binaries. Is there a way to automate this?
I'm on bitbucket cloud so I've been using their pipelines to do this. Would ros build farm be a better solution for CI+ release?
Is ros buildfarm the only buildfarm solution outside of custom build farms? Is there something that works tightly with industrial_ci that i'm not aware of?
Did you also post ros-industrial/industrial_ci#535?
@gvdhoorn yes I did
Then please close either the issue on the Github tracker or your question here.
Cross-posting like that is not a nice thing to do. It leads to split discussions in the best case, and duplicated (ie: wasted) effort in the worst.
Give the maintainer some time to answer.