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Implemnt Gyrosensor in ROS

asked 2020-06-20 04:55:50 -0500

MarkusHHN gravatar image

Hello everybody,

I would like to use the gyro sensor MPU 6000, which is used on the robotino. It is possible to integrate this gyro sensor in ROS? If so, is there a manual?

Regards, Markus

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-07-20 03:17:30 -0500

MarkusHHN gravatar image

I use the following api from the robotino: here

Also i write my own header and my own cpp-File and include it on the robotino_node

#include "GyroROS.h"

   gyroscope_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("gyroscope",1, true);


void GyroROS::setTimeStamp(ros::Time stamp)
    stamp_ = stamp;

void GyroROS::gyroscopeEvent(float angle, float anglevel)

    XAngle = 0.0;
    YAngle = 0.0;
    ZAngle = angle;

    quat = Eigen::AngleAxisf(XAngle, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX())
           * Eigen::AngleAxisf(YAngle, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY())
           * Eigen::AngleAxisf(ZAngle, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());

   gyro_msg_.orientation.x = quat.x();
   gyro_msg_.orientation.y = quat.y();
   gyro_msg_.orientation.z = quat.z();
   gyro_msg_.orientation.w = quat.w();

   gyro_msg_.angular_velocity.z = -anglevel;
   gyro_msg_.header.stamp = stamp_;
   gyro_msg_.header.frame_id = "base_link";

   // Covariance Matrix in Orientation
   gyro_msg_.orientation_covariance[0] = 0.0;
   gyro_msg_.orientation_covariance[4] = 0.0;
   gyro_msg_.orientation_covariance[8] = 0.0;

   // Covariance Matrix in Angule Velocity
   gyro_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = 0.0;
   gyro_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[4] = 0.0;
   gyro_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[8] = 0.0;

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Asked: 2020-06-20 04:55:50 -0500

Seen: 322 times

Last updated: Jul 20 '20