QtCreator, ROS, and slots
I'm trying to a build a gui using the roscreate-qt-pkg in QtCreator. In trying to generate code using "Go to Slot..." in the template, I get the following:
No documents matching 'ui_main_window.h' could be found. Rebuilding the project might help.
Is this an existing issue or am I forced to manually edit the cpp and hpp files to add buttons, etc?
What ros version are you using - electric or fuerte? Also what do you mean by "In trying to generate code using "Go to Slot"?
Without modifying anything, roscreate-qt-pkg on electric and roscreate-qt-legacy-pkg on fuerte should create packages that build compilable, runnable programs for you. Note that roscreate-qt-pkg on fuerte is only for catkin builds (if you don't know what that is, don't worry about it).
I'm using electric. The programs compile and run fine but adding new ui elements and attempting to add code for them gives the error I stated above, when using the "go to slot" option when right clicking a ui object.