/odom to /base_footprint
My question: Hey everyone, What is the best way to connect odom to base_link? Should I modify the navigation stack to look for odom_combined instead? Or would that be too difficult?
Explanation/background: I'm using the iRobot create and the package create_node. The package works great and I can send cmd_vel topics via the keyboard and it responds, however in rxgraph i can see the create_node is publishing /odom but it is not being sent to tf and therefore it is not the parent of base_link. When I view the tf tree odom_combined is the parent of base_link and odom is not connected, but none of the navigation stacks care about odom_combined, they only want odom. Running on a modified turtlebot.
It sounds like you're getting the /odom topic (what rxgraph shows) and the /odom frame confused. Note that all transform messages show up as /tf in rxgraph. I'm not familiar with the particular packages you're using - if it's all working, why do you need to have a frame named "/odom"?