Unable to stop at stop line (Vector maps) using open planner
This is regarding use of vector maps with open planner. My objective is to stop vehicle at stop line or cross walk and based on user input allow to move again. But at the moment, I am able to drive autonomously using open planner and vector maps in simulated mode using autoware and even LGSVL simulator (video below) but unable to stop at the stopline.
There is no issue driving and following the path to goal but stopping at the stop line is not working. Some of the useful resources that I referred are
- Open Source Integrated Planner for Autonomous Navigation inHighly Dynamic Environments
- https://github.com/Autoware-AI/autoware.ai/issues/1250
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKM8v79X3_s
- https://github.com/Autoware-AI/autoware.ai/issues/1317
Data I used for simulation
- sample_moriyama_data
- BorregasAve LGSVL simulator
- Autoware 1.12.0
- LGSVL simulator
Is there anything I am missing? How to make it stop at the stop line?
Thank you.