This is generally in my experience the place to use the local costmap.
The global costmap is used by the global planner to generate a path from point a to point b that avoids the known obstacles in the static map that you have probably previously generated. Generally the global map is not updated during run time (unless you are using SLAM) and therefore cannot help you account for new obstacles.
The local planner, the thing that usually generates the actually velocity commands sent to the base controller, uses the local costmap. The local costmap characterizes the environment immediately around the robot (10m*10m) and is updated continuously during run time by a laserscan or other depth sensor (realsense-kinect-radar etc). Because it is continuously updated during run time, it will incorporate new obstacles, and the local planner will generate commands that stay away from obstacles in the local costmap (read: not the global costmap).
So the local planner has the job of staying close to the global plan it was given, avoiding obstacles that it sees in the local costmap, and navigating to its own "carrot style" goal. The proper balance of these things will provide a functional behavior.
You should look look at the config file here and in particular the costmap_local.yaml which uses the costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer with the laserscan as its input.
I am not exactly sure if these things generalize to the TEB planner exactly, but this is my experience with the other ROS nav stack planners.
I am using
as well and one scenario I have been working on is replanning of the global plan when obstacles in the local costmap block the global path, see here is your goal with finding the new obstacles?
You could take the portion of the global costmap at the topic
of typenav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
surrounding the robot and compare it to the same size of the local costmap at/move_base/local_costmap/costmap
also of typenav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
.You could also look for updates in the global of local path and find obstacles near those paths.