robot_localization does not integrate IMU [closed]
I am trying to fuse radar and imu measurements to estimate the states of my robot. From the radar, I get the linear velocity in x (REP-103) and from the imu, I get all angular velocities and linear accelerations. I wrote the radar information into a nav_msgs/Odometry message and the imu information into a sensor_msgs/Imu message. For the state estimation, I am trying to use the ekf_localization_node from the robot_localization package.
The odometry information of the radar seems to be integrated properly into the EKF but the imu information gets completely ignored. I have the impression that the transformation from the frame "odom" to the frame "imu" is missing but cannot explain why.
If you follow this link you will find a bag file, launch file, and a tf tree for a simulation with the radar and the imu and one with only the imu.
I am using ROS Melodic on OS Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.
I thank you in advance for any provided help.
Kind regards,
Just a comment, but for starters DO NOT use the rejection threshold on the IMU until you better understand the dynamics you are trying to capture
Can you please include both the launch/config and a sample input message from every sensor input in the question itself?