Set/Reset odometry values
Im currently trying to implement a navigation based on DRL with ros One of the inputs of my Network is the current distance to the goal
I randomly set 1 of 4 starting points and 1 of 3 goals
So while debugging i noticed that the distance to the goal got bigger with each episode.
I am getting the information about the current pose of the robot via the /odometry topic.
It seems the odometry topic does not reset when an episode ended and a new start pose is chosen That means the odometry topic calculates poses that are outside of my environment.
Does anyone know how i can reset the odometry in python so that it is set back to 0 when i start a new episode? Also is it possible to initialize a certain pose to the odometry topic so it knows it knows it doesnt start in (0,0) as well the direction it is moving?
Hey i'm facing the same problem. How did you solve it ?