How to install a stack and package manually in Fuerte?
I'm trying to install the rosbridge package from the brown_remotelab stack. The tutorials and answers that I've found on the web give more-or-less the following procedure for doing this:
# Enter directory where my stacks are kept
# Checkout repository
svn co
# Enter directory of package
cd brown_remotelab/rosbridge
# Build package and it's dependencies
rosmake --rosdep-install
This doesn't work for me. For starters when I try to run rosmake --rosdep-install I get the error message:
rosmake: error: no such option: --rosdep-install
So it looks like the --rosdep-install option is deprecated. Also if I try running without that option I get:
[ rosmake ] rosmake starting...
[ rosmake ] No package or stack specified. And current directory 'rosbridge' is not a package name or stack name.
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: []
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory /root/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120619-160854
[ rosmake ] Expanded args [] to:
[ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names.
Similarly, if I try to use roscd, rospackage or rosstack on the newly downloaded stack and packages I get errors like
roscd: No such package/stack 'rosbridge'
[rosstack] Error: stack/package brown_remotelab not found
So it looks like ROS doesn't know where to find them. This is after re-sourcing my setup.bash.
In short: What is the complete procedure for downloading and installing a ROS stack and package from source in ROS Fuerte?
In my opinion, you should first "roscreate-pkg" with the corresponding name and then svn checkout in this folder. This way the package will be known by ros and rosmake can work (not tested on fuerte).
You only call roscreate-pkg when you really want to create a new package, not when you check something out. It wouldn't help anyway since it seems like the checkout was simply not in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
Ok, right, thanks for bringing some light on that.