How to convert Laser Scans from frame 'laser' to frame 'world' using IMU data (Roll, Pitch, yaw and Linear Acceleration)?
Hi All,
I am doing a ROS based project equipped with 2D SICK LiDAR, IMU (Razor 9DOF), and GPS. First I want to convert the Lidar data which is in Lidar frame 'laser' to IMU frame 'base_imu_link' using static transformation. I have tried that and somehow able to do that. Now I want to convert my laser scan point cloud from frame 'laser' to frame 'world' by dynamic transformation using IMU data. The transformation Matrix should be comprised of a Rotation matrix and Translation vector. Rotation Matrix can be found by roll, pitch, yaw and translation can be found by double intergrating the linear acceleration, coming from IMU.
I have this initial concept in my mind. But Due the fact that, I am a beginner to ROS, I am unable to code that in cpp/python. Kindly, Help me in this regards!