[ROS2] How to query Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters from Command line
Is there a way to query the quality of service (QoS) parameters for ROS2 topics from the command line? Without the ability to query the QoS from the command line, users have to read the source code that created publishers or subscribers. This isn't a good option in the long run. I've run into mismatched QoS parameters when using NAV2, RVIZ2 and robot_state_publisher because they use custom QoS parameters; thus, messages are not received without any ability to debug the problem. I've read about new users' frustrations with ROS2 on GitHub issues because the QoS parameters are opaque.
I understand exposing the QoS parameters through the rclpy and rclcpp APIs is probably tedious, not fun, and maybe no one is paying for it. Is there a workaround (besides reading source code)?
There was one question about this feature years ago, but it has been ignored: https://answers.ros.org/question/3049...