How to properly set JACKAL_URDF_EXTRAS?
I am adding a custom sensor arrangement to a Clearpath Jackal
. In the documentation, it suggests that all is necessary is to set JACKAL_URDF_EXTRAS
to the file path of the custom xacro file. I do this using:
echo "export JACKAL_URDF_EXTRAS=/home/administrator/my_folder/urdf/sensors.urdf.xacro" >> /etc/environment
However, this has no effect. This is shown in the TF tree, which reflects none of the expected changes. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I've looked at the instructions here: where it is suggesting that I should use the command:
echo "export JACKAL_URDF_EXTRAS=/home/administrator/my_folder/urdf/sensors.urdf.xacro" >> /etc/ros/setup.bash
However, this still does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Did you re-source your terminal after adding the new paths?
For the git discrepancy, are you sure you're in the same branch?
Please ignore my previous comment regarding the git discrepancy - this was a mistake. I've just tried resourcing my terminal and this does not solve the problem. Is there something else that should be sourced to make sure the Jackal system can see my file in the same way that it can see the preset empty.urdf.xacro file?