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Creating Object models for 3D Object Recognition

asked 2012-06-24 09:28:37 -0500

Medet gravatar image

I am trying to create 3D models of objects for the 3D Object Recognition techniques presented in the following tutorial. I get the feeling that something similar to what I am looking for is done in the first steps of this tutorial but is glossed over.

I am wondering if there are any prebuilt packages either through PCL or ROS that cover this or if someone could point me in the best direction for getting started with doing this on my own.

My general thoughts were to use a rotating surface and to have it rotate the object while a kinect would capture information about the object and stitch together the various point clouds that would be generated.

Any input as always is more than welcome!

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5 Answers

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answered 2012-06-24 12:39:28 -0500

bakhol gravatar image

Hi, You should give a try to roboearth:

One of the tutorials (and there are only two) is exactly about recording and creating models. It is straightforward. In addition, roboearth uses pcl extensively in creating models. While you explore this, also think about adding new models to roboearth database (which is also explained in the same tutorial). Hopefully this helps.

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answered 2012-06-25 06:48:03 -0500

bakhol gravatar image

I wonder if you faced the same problem as I. I have been trying to make latest source of roboearth work with fuerte. It compiles, it records, but it cannot save the model. I have noticed that in the past week they have been changing parts of their code (quite frequently). I, in fact, asked them this - - but haven't gotten a response yet.

I believe, soon they will have a version ready, if we can be patient.

To answer your question, I think you could also give the object_recognition stack a try (but I don't have any experience to give an educated point of view). Also check the following out:

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answered 2012-06-26 02:48:39 -0500

Medet gravatar image

updated 2012-06-26 02:50:17 -0500

Not really, I am running it on electric. My troubles were with recording process itself. Another issue is that specific object that I am trying to recognise, Nao robot, is bigger than any object used in training, that I have seen so far.

Any hints on packages/techniques to use for recognising such object?

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answered 2012-06-24 13:25:05 -0500

Medet gravatar image

Thanks for your response, but Roboearth was the first thing I started off, with no apparent success: couldn't manage recording process. Was looking for something less demanding to recording conditions

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answered 2014-02-27 19:24:33 -0500

Ameneh gravatar image

I am new in ros. I installed hydro and i can not install roboearth in hydro.what should i do? if it is impossible, how can i create a 3D models of object?

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AHornung gravatar image AHornung  ( 2014-02-27 21:34:06 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-06-24 09:28:37 -0500

Seen: 2,766 times

Last updated: Feb 27 '14