Incorrect Bounding Boxes using pcap file with 3D Perception Stack of Autoware.Auto
Hi, I have been trying to run the 3D perception stack demo (, but seem to be getting incorrect bounding boxes (see video below). The demo ran in an ade environment using the .aderc-amd64-foxy file. There seems to be a similar issue here, but in my case I am not using the LGSVL simulator. To run the demo the following commands were done:
Terminal 1:
ade$ udpreplay -r -1 route_small_loop_rw.pcap
Terminal 2:
ade$ source /opt/AutowareAuto/setup.bash
ade$ ros2 run velodyne_nodes velodyne_cloud_node_exe --model vlp16 --ros-args --remap __ns:=/lidar_front --params-file /opt/AutowareAuto/share/velodyne_nodes/param/vlp16_test.param.yaml
Terminal 3:
source /opt/AutowareAuto/setup.bash
Terminal 4:
ade$ source/opt/AutowareAuto/setup.bash
ade$ ros2 launch autoware_demos
This is my current rviz visualization: The bounding boxes seem to be incorrect and I am not too sure why. Any input would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.
Can you be more specific? What do you mean by "seem to be incorrect?" Maybe a screenshot would help.
Yes, sorry about that. Here is a video of my visualization currently
Playing back route_small_loop_rw.pcap does show the roads being detected as non-ground objects and thus explains the euclidean clustering algorithm creating a bounding box for it.
The question is, are the parameters for the 3D perception stack set according the appropriate location and orientation of the sensors when the route_small_loop_rw.pcap file was captured? If yes, then what is the explanation for the roads being detected as non-ground objects? If no, then is there another pcap file that could be used to test the perception stack with the current parameters values?
Also, I noticed the orientation of the rear lidar is reversed and it had to be rotated 180 degrees by changing the quaternion in /opt/AutowareAuto/share/point_cloud_filter_transform_nodes/param/vlp16_sim_lexus_filter_transform.param.yaml when testing with the provided file, route_small_loop_rw.pcap.