Trouble Subscribing to PointCloud2 msg
I am trying to edit the PointCloud2 msg from a realsense d435 camera, so I am first attempting to pass through the PointCloud2 msg without any sort of edits. Some data seems to pass through but the number of points seems to be reduced very considerably. I am using the PCL voxel gird example example and subscribing to /camera/depth/color/points under the rosrun command:
rosrun my_pcl_tutorial example input:=/camera/depth/color/points
Viewed in RVIZ I get this output. If I pan the camera around the pointcloud seems to be correct, just with far too few points.
When using the voxel grid nodelet in a launch file instead of my own code I get this output. How can I get the PCL voxel grid example to simply pass through the PointCloud2 message, or at least match the nodelet version?