How to build correct Lanelet2 map for Autoware.Auto ?
Hi, everyone ! I've got a question related to Lanelet2 map creation for Autoware.Auto. First of all i created lanelet2 map with Tier4 tool, but when i tried to put it in map loader, it ran into problems and didn't load one.
[ERROR] [lanelet2_map_provider_exe-12]: process has died [pid 29844, exit code -6, cmd '/home/prius/AutowareAuto/install/lanelet2_map_provider/lib/lanelet2_map_provider/lanelet2_map_provider_exe --ros-args -r __node:=lanelet2_map_provider_node -r __node:=lanelet2_map_provider_node -r __ns:=/had_maps --params-file /home/prius/AutowareAuto/install/autoware_auto_avp_demo/share/autoware_auto_avp_demo/param/lanelet2_map_provider.param.yaml'].
I've decide to test my map by replacing the original one in ms3 AVP demo. The way i did it -> I put my own pcd and osm links to map_publisher.param.yaml, map_publisher_vehicle.param.yaml and lanelet2_map_provider.param.yaml. After that i decide to inspect original autonomous_stuff osm map and my one created in tier4 web tool. As i see there are different generator type, version and format.
autonomoustuff_parkin_lot.osm ->
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='1001' visible='true' version='1' lat='37.38143282929' lon='-121.90825956337'>
<tag k='ele' v='-1.4483755826950073' />
my_own_map.osm (created with Tier4 web tool) ->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MetaInfo format_version="1" map_version="2"/>
<node id="22" lat="" lon="">
<tag k="mgrs_code" v="99XXX0-2001"/>
<tag k="local_x" v="-111.9826"/>
<tag k="local_y" v="192.4938"/>
<tag k="ele" v="-18.5134"/>
As i found out there is special JOSM editor for Open street maps and lanelet extension for it. I tried to create osm map with JOSM editor. And i'm faced with such issue, every node in original autonomous_stuff.osm map has tags (ele, x, y). When i draw nodes in JOSM these tags don't creating themselves. of course i can create these tags manually, but i don't know what values must be there. Also when i created lanelet map with tier4 web tool these tags was created by default. I thought that i can open my map from josm in and add these tags in some automatic way, but this tier4 web tool rejects this map for missing ele tags.
Also as i know there is third way to create lanelet2 map, it's MapToolbox, but i hope that first two approaches must be workable. But anyway i'll try to build one more map in this unity extension toolbox.
1) I've tried to import and export original autonomoustuff_parking_lot.osm in tier4 web tool, after that lanelet map becomes invalid to use in One more proof of incompatibility.
2) I've tried to create map in unity editor with autocore-ai map tool for lanelet2 maps. I used autoware_auto branch, and it has bag that not allowed to save map. I changed save function to master ...
@mitsudome-r Can you provide guidance here?
As i see there are another "users" of Autoware.Auto, that are faced with such issue.