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Generate pointcloud2 messagge from rgbd data

asked 2021-05-03 06:46:40 -0500

SpaceTime gravatar image


my goal is to convert rgbd data from a sensor in a manner so that it can be published to a rostopic using the geometry_msgs/pointcloud2 message format. The rgbd data is available to me through two one-dimensional arrays, one holding the color, the other the depth information for each pixel.

If I understood correctly, the coordinates for the pointcloud points first have to be projected into world space in order to get a pointcloud. Is there any library functionality recommended for this or should one best implement it theirselves. I am a beginner and unsure if I understood the pointcloudmessage correctly so I would be interested in which steps would be necessary for this?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-05-03 11:38:37 -0500

shonigmann gravatar image

Take a look at the depth_image_proc package. It is available for noetic and provides a rgbd/pointcloud nodelette to perform exactly the conversion you are interested in.

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Asked: 2021-05-03 06:46:40 -0500

Seen: 399 times

Last updated: May 03 '21