Failed to transform the goal pose from map to map frame
I tried to run the RRT exploration with the turtlebot3 using the following setting:
But while running the RRT exploration algorithm. I encountered such issue:
The transformation stops at a certain time and keep popping out request time error. Any clue how to solve this issue? Thanks.
I don't have a solution. Wanted to ask how were you able to catkin_make rrt_exploration package in ROS Melodic? I am getting cmake errors and have been trying to manually resolve but it seems a daunting task.
I reuse most of the code in the RRT_package, the most difficult would be setting up the turtlebot to run with RRT. catkin_make should not be an issue, I think the mapping of the topic is a tedious task. I do not have details of the catkin_error, so I cant really comment much about the problem you are facing.
Anyway, I attached the github link that I managed to solve the issue,