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ROS not working when Home directory is renamed

asked 2012-07-05 16:02:36 -0500

Subbu gravatar image

updated 2012-07-06 13:16:36 -0500

Eric Perko gravatar image

Hi all, I'm using ROS Electric on Fedora 14.

I have changed my home directory name from A to B by editing the /etc/passwd file and moving the files to the new directory (mv /home/A /home/B).

Now, i'm not able to work on ROS as the system is not able to launch ROS. Naturally, some path of ROS still points to the old home name (A). Can someone tell me where all i need to rename the path (from A to B) so that ROS works fine ?

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6 Answers

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answered 2012-07-05 17:27:41 -0500

joq gravatar image

updated 2012-07-17 11:44:00 -0500

If you have compiled packages in the old location, run make clean to regenerate the cmake files.

EDIT: To regenerate a list of packages and all their dependencies, run:

rosmake --pre-clean package_name1 package_name2
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answered 2012-07-05 23:50:10 -0500

KruseT gravatar image

updated 2012-07-05 23:50:45 -0500

if you used rosws / rosinstall, check the in your workspace for reference to the old name at the top. It is also possible to run

$ rosws regenerate

in your workspace for that purpose.

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answered 2012-07-05 17:10:03 -0500

weiin gravatar image

If you followed this to configure your ROS environment, it would be in the .bashrc file. Likelihood is that you need to change only the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

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answered 2012-07-06 11:57:09 -0500

Subbu gravatar image

Thanks joq & KruseT, that worked ! But, in addition to make clean, i also built (using make) to work.

@ weiin, we need to regenerate the files also. Thanks anyways.

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answered 2012-07-17 11:14:40 -0500

Subbu gravatar image

updated 2012-07-17 11:22:57 -0500

Hi all,
So i asked the above question a couple of weeks back (of renaming the Home dir), and 'make clean' helped to solve my problem temporarily. But now, i've noticed that many directories inside my ROS installation folder (like ros_comm, common_msgs and many others) still point to the old home name. Hence, i'm again getting many errors when i'm compiling.

One work around this problem is that i look at the error log and manually go to the concerned directories and do 'make clean' to regenerate the CMakeCache.txt files in each case.
This does work but very painful because there are so many directories to regenerate manually. Is there any way to automatically/recursively regenerate these files in all the directories in one go ?
Can joq or others please help ? Thanks..

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Run rosmake --all --pre-clean to clean and make all packages visible to ROS. Run rosmake --all --target=clean to only clean them.

felix k gravatar image felix k  ( 2012-07-17 23:21:16 -0500 )edit

answered 2012-07-19 09:43:05 -0500

dearl gravatar image

updated 2012-07-19 09:48:20 -0500

try a bash script to clean everything. although you might still have to clean up some by hand if the makefiles aren't the standard ros makefile

find . -name Makefile > foo
export MY_PWD=`pwd`
while read line 
    DIR=`dirname $line`
    cd "$DIR"
    make clean
    cd "$MY_PWD" 
done < foo  
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Asked: 2012-07-05 16:02:36 -0500

Seen: 1,025 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '12