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Why canopen_motor_node exit code -6?

asked 2021-06-21 09:08:12 -0500

yezi gravatar image

Following is error messages:

... logging to /home/yezi/.ros/log/9e36ffdc-d293-11eb-8b13-1b6b86e4542a/roslaunch-yezi-RedmiBook-16-30579.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://yezi-RedmiBook-16:35423/


* /canopen_motor/

* /canopen_motor/bus/device: can1
* /canopen_motor/bus/driver_plugin: can::SocketCANInt...
* /canopen_motor/bus/loopback: False
* /canopen_motor/bus/master_allocator: canopen::SimpleMa...
* /canopen_motor/nodes/test_joint/eds_file: config/NiMotion_P...
* /canopen_motor/nodes/test_joint/eds_pkg: liaoqiayuan_base
* /canopen_motor/nodes/test_joint/id: 1
* /canopen_motor/nodes/test_joint/motor_allocator: canopen::Motor402...
* /canopen_motor/nodes/test_joint/motor_layer/switching_state: 5
* /canopen_motor/sync/interval_ms: 20
* /canopen_motor/sync/overflow: 0
* /controller/joint_state_controller/publish_rate: 50
* /controller/joint_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr...
* /robot_description: <robot name="test...
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.11
* /socketcan_bridge/can_device: can1

   canopen_motor (canopen_motor_node/canopen_motor_node)
controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner)
socketcan_bridge (socketcan_bridge/socketcan_bridge_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [30588]

setting /run_id to 9e36ffdc-d293-11eb-8b13-1b6b86e4542a
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [30598]
started core service [/rosout]
 process[canopen_motor-2]: started with pid [30606]
process[socketcan_bridge-3]: started with pid [30607]
process[controller_spawner-4]: started with pid [30608]
[ INFO] [1624281702.847232272]: Successfully connected to can1.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path>'
what():  No such node (11)
[canopen_motor-2] process has died [pid 30606, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/canopen_motor_node            

/canopen_motor_node __name:=canopen_motor __log:=/home/yezi/.ros/log/9e36ffdc-d293-11eb-8b13-1b6b86e4542a   /canopen_motor-2.log].
 log file: /home/yezi/.ros/log/9e36ffdc-d293-11eb-8b13-1b6b86e4542a/canopen_motor-2*.log
 [INFO] [1624281703.132125]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
 [controller_spawner-4] killing on exit
 [socketcan_bridge-3] killing on exit
 [WARN] [1624281711.357496]: Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.
 [rosout-1] killing on exit
 [master] killing on exit
 shutting down processing monitor...
  ... shutting down processing monitor complete

I notice that there have a No such node when canopen_motor_node died.But I don't know why. Following is my config file:

     device: can1 # socketcan network
     loopback: false # socket should loop back messages
     driver_plugin: can::SocketCANInterface
     master_allocator: canopen::SimpleMaster::Allocator
    interval_ms: 20 # set to 0 to disable sync
   # update_ms: <interval_ms> #update interval of control loop, must be set explecitly if sync is disabled
   overflow: 0 # overflow sync counter at value or do not set it (0, default)
   id: 1
   eds_pkg: liaoqiayuan_base # optionals package  name for relative path
   eds_file: "config/NiMotion_PMM60B_V1.07.eds" # path to EDS/DCF file
   motor_allocator: canopen::Motor402::Allocator # select allocator for motor layer
   motor_layer: # settings passed to motor layer (plugin-specific)
     switching_state: 5 # (Operation_Enable), state for mode switching

Please tell me possible reasons.Thanks!

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-06-22 11:22:23 -0500

Mathias Lüdtke gravatar image

updated 2021-06-22 11:33:07 -0500

From your log:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path>'
what():  No such node (11)

This does not have anything to do with ROS nodes or CAN nodes, but with a node that is is missing in a Boost property tree. The latter is used by canopen_master to parse the EDS/DCF file.

So something is wrong in that file. Unfortunately the parser does not report any context (yet?).

Please check your file with CANeds, if possible.

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You are right! Thanks.

yezi gravatar image yezi  ( 2021-06-25 05:04:57 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-06-21 09:08:12 -0500

Seen: 257 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '21