Filtering Pointcloud with min and max angles
I am working with a 3d lidar 360 degrees lidar. On the robot there are some other sensors and accessories. The sensor scans these objects as well and ros navigation stack treats these objects as an obstacle and never works. I was wondering is there any of filtering the point cloud to some given angles like 0 to 270 as the similar option is available here for pointcloud to laserscan?
I have checked the pcl_ros package and its example filter but I am not able understand which one solves my current problem or which one to use for this issue?
Any leads on the issue are highly appreciated.
what are you using now if not something which converts pointclouds to a
message? Afaik the navigation stack cannot directly consume pointclouds.At the moment laserscan after filtering. I used pointclouds directly with Navigation Stack and it takes the pole on the robot as an obstacle and never moves. That's the reason I want to filter pointcloud.