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How to define transmissions with ros2 control

asked 2021-08-24 06:23:29 -0500

Darkproduct gravatar image

updated 2021-08-24 06:25:21 -0500

From my current understanding, if you want to use ROS2 Control with gazebo, you have to use one ros2_control tag with type systemfor all joints. (See

My question now: How do you define your transmissions?

I found this components_architecture_and_urdf_examples, but I can't find anything there.

Robot Description: I have 3 wheels that control the movement of the robot. Each of them has its own actuator. All of them have the same transmission ratio.

I would like to define three SimpleTansmissions, but how do I specify the corresponding joints? All examples I found define the transmission inside of <ros2_control name="..." type="actuator"> and not <ros2_control name="..." type="system">.

The only system transmission I could find, looks like this:

<transmission name="transmission1">
  <param name="joints">{joint1, joint2}</param>
  <param name="output">{output2, output2}</param>
  <param name="joint1_output1">1.5</param>
  <param name="joint1_output2">3.2</param>
  <param name="joint2_output1">3.1</param>
  <param name="joint2_output2">1.4</param>

And as far as I know, this is only a prototype. There is no SomeComplex2by2Transmission plugin.

Currently, I see two possible solutions:

  1. It is somehow possible to use type="actuator" with gazebo_ros2_control.
  2. There is some way to define simple transmissions in a system.
  3. I have to write my own transmission plugin.

I would prefer the first option, because this is way easier to maintain with xacro.

Some links:

My current ros2_control tag:

  <!-- ROS Control for the rims -->
  <ros2_control name="cassiopeia_rim_control" type="system">
    <xacro:if value="$(arg use_sim)">
    <xacro:unless value="$(arg use_sim)">
        <xacro:if value="$(arg use_fake_hardware)">
          <param name="fake_sensor_commands">$(arg fake_sensor_commands)</param>
          <param name="state_following_offset">0.0</param>
        <xacro:unless value="$(arg use_fake_hardware)">
          <!-- TODO: If we want this feature, we have to write an
                     hardware controller plugin in C++ for ROS2 Control.

    <joint name="a_rim_joint">
      <command_interface name="velocity">
        <param name="min">-1</param>
        <param name="max">1</param>
      <state_interface name="position"/>
      <state_interface name="velocity"/>
    <joint name="b_rim_joint">
      <command_interface name="velocity">
        <param name="min">-1</param>
        <param name="max">1</param>
      <state_interface name="position"/>
      <state_interface name="velocity"/>
    <joint name="c_rim_joint">
      <command_interface name="velocity">
        <param name="min">-1</param>
        <param name="max">1</param>
      <state_interface name="position"/>
      <state_interface name="velocity"/>

    <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
      <parameters>$(find pkg_name)/config/controllers.yaml</parameters>
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1 Answer

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answered 2022-03-01 02:40:51 -0500

The support for transmission has just landed in ros2_control. At least the test case with SimpleTransmission is working. I hope this is what you are looking for.

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Asked: 2021-08-24 06:23:29 -0500

Seen: 1,545 times

Last updated: Mar 01 '22