ur_robot_driver: this controller requires a scaled_controllers::ScaledPositionJointInterface
roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur3e_bringup.launch robot_ip:=XXX limited:=true kinematics_config:="${HOME}/my_robot_calibration.yaml"
When I ran the above, I got the following error: I can't solve this.
[ERROR] [1633410437.724233056]: This controller requires a hardware interface of type 'scaled_controllers::ScaledPositionJointInterface'. Make sure this is registered in the hardware_interface::RobotHW class.
[ERROR] [1633410437.724256060]: Initializing controller 'scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller' failed
I would suggest to post this as an issue on the tracker of UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver. The scaled controllers have been supported since the first release of that driver, so something must be wrong there.
If you do post there, please include much more information (such as your workspace layout, how you installed everything, the complete
output, etc).And when you post on the issue tracker, post a comment here with a link to your issue, so we keep things connected.
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