respeaker: ImportError: No module named sound_play.msg
I launched the respeaker using this command ''roslaunch respeaker_ros respeaker.launch'' this give me following error.WHat could be the reason? How to solve it?
process[speech_to_text-3]: started with pid [20804]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aimotion/catkin_ws/src/respeaker_ros/scripts/", line 11, in <module>
from sound_play.msg import SoundRequest, SoundRequestAction, SoundRequestGoal
ImportError: No module named sound_play.msg
[speech_to_text-3] process has died [pid 20804, exit code 1, cmd /home/aimotion/catkin_ws/devel/lib/respeaker_ros/ audio:=speech_audio __name:=speech_to_text __log:=/home/aimotion/.ros/log/1289b5c2-39b0-11ec-9c03-28d0ea7f74b1/speech_to_text-3.log].
log file: /home/aimotion/.ros/log/1289b5c2-39b0-11ec-9c03-28d0ea7f74b1/speech_to_text-3*.log
Could you please explain how you installed
on your system? Did you make sure to install all dependencies as well?