gps waypoints are not shown in mapviz
I have followed the procedure in, in order to be able to see gps waypoints in mapviz, but it doesnot work. I have recorded the gps waypoints, but i do not know how to have those waypoints the same the on which mentioned in the above link.#
this is message type of my gps::
rostopic info /gps/fix
Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
I would be grateful if anybody can support Masoumeh
Sorry I’m a bit confused. When you say the tutorial link doesn’t work what specifically is not working. What is the error message?
Hi @osilva I mentioned that I followed all the procedures (from installing mapviz to running the bag file) to see GPS waypoints on mapviz, but I cannot see the tagged gps points. It seems there are some other steps to do, but they did not mention them.
It looks like you already raised an issue with the developer:
Check this article: