E: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-desktop-full or ros-melodic-desktop
I am attempting to follow the instructions for ROS installation on a Raspberry (http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installat...)
After setting up the repository I tried to run this:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop
Which resulted in this:
E: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-desktop
I took a look at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list and I see:
deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu stretch main
So I opened my trusty web browser to look at the repository. http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/di... And sure enough, "Packages" doesn't contain ANY ROS software.
However, arm64 does. But Raspbian isn't arm64.
I attempted a source install - ran into issues (Not covered here) I attempted a docker install - Ran into this same issue above using a buster image.
How is getting ROS installed achieved on a Raspberry Pi (32 bit system - and it's not upgradable)
What type of Raspberry are you running? rpi 3B?
I have tried this procedure on a Raspberry Pi 3B running stretch. I have also tried this in a Debian Stretch armhf VM, as well as a docker container running Debian Buster (armhf)