Hi @rkent, not 100% sure if this is what you are looking for, after some digging in the rosindex
repo, I found this code for rosindex_genarator.rb
, you can see a list under package_info
and I believe these are the fields you are looking for:
Source: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure...
package_info = {
'name' => package_name,
'pkg_type' => pkg_type,
'distro' => distro,
'raw_uri' => raw_uri,
'browse_uri' => browse_uri,
'docs_uri' => docs_uri,
# required package info
'version' => version,
'license' => license,
'description' => description,
'maintainers' => maintainers,
# optional package info
'authors' => authors,
'urls' => urls,
'ci_data' => ci_data,
# dependencies
'pkg_deps' => pkg_deps,
'system_deps' => system_deps,
'dependants' => {},
# exports
'deprecated' => deprecated,
# rosindex metadata
'tags' => tags,
'nodes' => nodes,
# readme
'readmes' => readmes,
# changelog
'changelog' => changelog,
'changelog_rendered' => changelog_rendered,
# assets
'launch_data' => launch_data,
'plugin_data' => plugin_data,
'msg_files' => msg_files.map {|f| Pathname.new(f).relative_path_from(local_package_path).to_s },
'srv_files' => srv_files.map {|f| Pathname.new(f).relative_path_from(local_package_path).to_s },
'wiki' => {'exists'=>false}