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ROS2 Functionality Documentation

asked 2021-12-02 05:19:18 -0500

fyzegekmc gravatar image

Hello there, I am totally new to using ROS and ROS2. Excuse me for my newbie behavior but is there any documentation on how I can use the API for ROS or ROS2? There are many classes and functions, so I got lost while attempting to write code on my own. If you could provide some help or documentation, I'd appreciate it quite a lot. I have gone through most of the tutorials, so I have not found what I needed there. Namely, I want to work with 32 bit integer arrays from the package "example_interfaces" package. I have not been able to find documentation for it nor did I get help from IntelliSense for the functions.

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2 Answers

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answered 2021-12-02 18:31:01 -0500

ljaniec gravatar image

You could start learning by reviewing a sample code for the ROS2 Python Pointcloud Publisher. With exception of sensor_msgs_py and use of numpy, it is a basic example of working with a message type with an array inside. You should add your initial basic code in your question so we can help you better with your problems.

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Dear ljaniec,

Thanks for the time taken to respond and giving me a good example. The example you have provided me is a good place to begin, however, instead of needing to transmit point cloud data, I am actually planning to transmit data pertaining to a stream of images, rather than pure 32 bit integers. Excuse me for me the relatively short description of my problem. I'll be looking towards other solutions including either some pre-written package which I can also include in my environment/workspace or opting to use a rather simpler architecture that may not involve ROS at all.

Best regards, Feyzi

fyzegekmc gravatar image fyzegekmc  ( 2021-12-03 06:13:06 -0500 )edit

answered 2021-12-02 22:56:23 -0500

Staredeath gravatar image

You can learn 2 api of ROS 2, rclcpp and rclpy. it is not exhaustive but is very commonly used. It can also help you better understand the documentation on ros2

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Dear Staredeath, I'll be looking towards the API Documentation as per the links provided by you. Thanks for the tip. Best regards, Feyzi

fyzegekmc gravatar image fyzegekmc  ( 2021-12-03 06:15:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-12-02 05:19:18 -0500

Seen: 229 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '21