rostopic echo doesn't return any data
So, kind of a weird problem.
I set up ROS on an RPi with a kinect. I am generating a map with slam_gmapping. It works - but it's terribly slow. So, I decided to off load the SLAM process to an actual PC that is much faster.
I did - and it seems to be working fine. However, on the raspberry pi I can no longer see the map. for instance rostopic echo /map never returns, which tells me nothing is being published.
However, on the PC I can echo the map just fine.
Likewise, I have depthimage_to_laserscan running on the Rpi. On both the pi and the PC I can easily echo /scan.
It seems to be specific to running slam_gmapping on the PC that I can't echo the map on the Rpi.
What could cause that?