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Unable to Install MoveIt2 in ROS Rolling on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

asked 2022-02-26 15:37:28 -0500

DolceParadise gravatar image

Hi, I am trying to install MoveIt2 on ROS Rolling with Ubuntu 20.04. I installed ROS Rolling with the instructions at I was successfully able to run the turtlesim simulations and rviz2, indicating that my ROS2 installation was fine.
Moving on, I tried to build MoveIt2 from source using the tutorial at While entering the command rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y I encountered the following output:

moveit_common: No definition of [backward_ros] for OS version [focal]
moveit_core: No definition of [ruckig] for OS version [focal]
pilz_industrial_motion_planner: No definition of [orocos_kdl] for OS version [focal]
rviz_visual_tools: No definition of [eigen_stl_containers] for OS version [focal]
moveit_hybrid_planning: No definition of [position_controllers] for OS version [focal]
moveit_kinematics: No definition of [orocos_kdl] for OS version [focal]
moveit_msgs: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS version [focal]
moveit_ros_warehouse: No definition of [warehouse_ros] for OS version [focal]
moveit_servo: No definition of [control_toolbox] for OS version [focal]
moveit_planners_ompl: No definition of [ompl] for OS version [focal]
moveit_setup_assistant: No definition of [srdfdom] for OS version [focal]
moveit_ros_planning_interface: No definition of [ros_testing] for OS version [focal]
moveit2_tutorials: No definition of [warehouse_ros_mongo] for OS version [focal]
geometric_shapes: No definition of [random_numbers] for OS version [focal]
moveit_ros_planning: No definition of [srdfdom] for OS version [focal]
moveit_visual_tools: No definition of [graph_msgs] for OS version [focal]
moveit_ros_visualization: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS version [focal]
moveit_ros_perception: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS version [focal]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies…

In the next step, running colcon build --mixin release returned the following output

colcon build --event-handlers desktop_notification- status- --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Starting >>> geometric_shapes
Starting >>> moveit_msgs
Starting >>> moveit_common
Starting >>> moveit_resources_panda_description
Starting >>> launch_param_builder
Starting >>> controller_manager_msgs
Starting >>> ros2_control_test_assets
Starting >>> moveit_resources_fanuc_description
Starting >>> moveit_resources_pr2_description
Starting >>> moveit_resources_prbt_support
Starting >>> rviz_visual_tools
--- stderr: geometric_shapes
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:54 (find_package):
  By not providing "Findeigen_stl_containers.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this
  project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
  "eigen_stl_containers", but CMake did not find one.

  Could not find a package configuration file provided by
  "eigen_stl_containers" with any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "eigen_stl_containers" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  or set "eigen_stl_containers_DIR" to a directory containing one of the
  above files.  If "eigen_stl_containers" provides a separate development
  package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

make: *** [Makefile:644: cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Failed   <<< geometric_shapes [0.55s, exited with code 2]
Aborted  <<< moveit_resources_panda_description [0.53s]
Aborted  <<< moveit_common [0.53s]
Aborted  <<< moveit_msgs [0.73s]
Aborted  <<< moveit_resources_fanuc_description [0.75s]
Aborted  <<< moveit_resources_pr2_description [0.74s]
Aborted  <<< moveit_resources_prbt_support [0.77s]
Aborted  <<< launch_param_builder [0.94s]
Aborted  <<< ros2_control_test_assets [1.35s]
Aborted  <<< rviz_visual_tools [1.47s]
Aborted  <<< controller_manager_msgs [2.98s]

Summary: 0 packages finished [3.33s]
  1 package failed: geometric_shapes
  10 packages aborted: controller_manager_msgs launch_param_builder moveit_common moveit_msgs moveit_resources_fanuc_description moveit_resources_panda_description moveit_resources_pr2_description moveit_resources_prbt_support ros2_control_test_assets rviz_visual_tools
  3 packages had stderr output: geometric_shapes moveit_msgs rviz_visual_tools
  42 packages not processed

Abandoning all hope for building ... (more)

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-03-02 09:20:10 -0500

This is just because Rolling does not target focal (20.04) and now targets Jammy (22.04).

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Asked: 2022-02-26 15:37:28 -0500

Seen: 632 times

Last updated: Mar 02 '22