How to cancel ros2 action with ros2 cpp action client
Pleas provide ros2 cpp example client to cancel actions
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Pleas provide ros2 cpp example client to cancel actions
As you wish
auto future_cancel = action_client_->async_cancel_goal(goal_handle_);
if (callback_group_executor_.spin_until_future_complete(future_cancel, server_timeout_) !=
"Failed to cancel action server for %s", action_name_.c_str());
I think there is something weird around. According with your code we need the goal_handle_ to cancel the action. Ok, sounds good. But it turns out that you get that goal_handle_ value only after the future of the response of the original request is resolved.
I even wonder if you can cancel some specific action goal using the rclcpp_action API nowadays (Sept 2022).
The problem is that the "async_cancel_goal" requires a goal handle, but the "send_goal" function only provides a "future goal handle". You will get the required "goal handle" only after the response from the server is received. Too late to cancel.
I would say that is still an open issue in the rclcpp repo:
By the moment, cancelling everything is an alternative:
Asked: 2022-03-09 10:15:58 -0600
Seen: 1,375 times
Last updated: Sep 07 '22
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