Robot arm that recalculates the path when encountering an moving obstacle
Hi all,
I have been using MoveIt MoveGroupInterface to plan and execute simple pose goals and joint-space goals for Panda robotic arm. Static obstacles, added before planning, are taken into account. Robotic arm plans trajectory avoiding such obstacles or it informs when no plan can be found given the static obstacle.
But for this spesific motion planning, i want to define start and end coordinates for the robot arm (UR3) and define the obstacles. Point is that these obstacles will be moving especially they will overlap with the first calculated path with robot while moving. And i want that Robot arm to replan the motion planning when that occurs and specify new path plan and move on that new plan. Repeat this algorithm until the end point reached.
What resources and methods can I use to accomplish this work? Any advice or link you can give would be very helpful to me.