ROS2 official parameter monitor example doesn't compile
Hi, I tried on two different Ubuntu 20 machines with ROS2 Galactic and Foxy full desktop versions, but the official example about parameters monitoring highlighted here doesn't compile.
Relevant part of the output is the following
/home/white/ros2_ws/src/parameters/src/parameters_monitor.cpp:32:29: error: ‘ParameterEventHandler’ is not a member of ‘rclcpp’; did you mean ‘ParameterEventsQoS’?
I didn't find issue tickets or something about on the web. Does anyone know anything about or I miss something??
exists only in Galactic and later distributions. It looks like your rclcpp library may be setup incorrectly and the Foxy version is present in the underlay you're building on top of. Mind posting the full error trace from the compiler?