Unable to implement stop sign behavior using waypoint follower and openplanner.
We are using autoware.ai.openplanner by Hatem Darweesh found here: https://github.com/hatem-darweesh/aut...
We drew a simple way point path over our Point Cloud map using Assure Mapping Tools and added an arbitrary stop sign linked to a stop line that intersects with the waypoint path. Then, we opened it up in RViz for simulation, configured openplanner nodes (checked the Stop Sign Behavior in op_common_params) and used pure pursuit to let our simulated car run across the path. The car did not stop or slow down at all.
Evidently we did something incorrectly. What do we need to do in order to implement stop sign behavior on a waypoint map?
Here are the nodes that we have activated:
Here is a video of our simulation: https://youtu.be/WOb1bnxycsk
The straight line perpendicular to the path is our stop line.
Here is our kml file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qydV...
@Hatem Could you help us?
I am not sure but doesn't that require decision maker to be running?