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RVIZ can not visualize lidar data (tf2 frame_ids cannot start with a '/' like)

asked 2022-05-09 07:58:49 -0500

Kracozebr gravatar image

I'm trying to visualize lidar point cloud recorded in bag file. I use ros noetic for this. I play the bag file:
rosbag play -l /home/test2.bag
and open rviz to visualize. I get the follow error (unfortunately I can not upload the file as I'm new and not have at least 5 points):
I have Fixed Frame map and Global Status: Warn Fixed Frame NO TF data and
For frame [/rslidar]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

I found the same issue at stack overflow and on this forum:
There are 2 solutions the first is to set Fixed Frame to /rslidar and the other is to set up a publisher that tells rviz where to put the fixed world frame stmth like this:
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 map rslidar 50

I tried both but solutions and they don't work. When I tried to change Fixed Frame to /rslidar the slash can not be wrote and as a result only rslidar is written in Fixed Frame and the error is the next:
Failed to transform from frame [/rslidfar] to frame [rslidar]

If I set up publisher via tf static_transform_publisher the error is:
For frame [/rslidar]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

And in rviz log there is the warning:

As I understand the slash is not allowable as argument. How can I change name to display point cloud?

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-05-10 06:55:36 -0500

I don't think the slash is the problem. Are you sure that the frame for the messages is /rslidar ?

You can verify the correct frame_id for your lidar messages. First play the bag file, then do rostopic echo <lidar_topic_name>, when you echo to the lidar messages you can see the correct frame_id for this message. In RVIZ if you change the global option frame to the one you see in rostopic echo, you should be able to see Lidar data.

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Thanks for replying! I checked the lidar message and the frame_id is really /rslidar The output is:
header: seq: 20294 stamp: secs: 1650027264 nsecs: 94891548 frame_id: "/rslidar" height: 32 width: 1812 ... So I installed bagtools ( ) and changed the frame_id
rosrun bag_tools -o /home/test2_renamed.bag -i /home/test2.bag -f rslidar -t /rslidar_points
and after that I could to visualize the lidar data.
Although I needed to ran the docker with ros kinetic because bag_tools is not released in noetic.

Kracozebr gravatar image Kracozebr  ( 2022-05-11 01:24:06 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-05-09 07:58:49 -0500

Seen: 739 times

Last updated: May 15 '22