Can't locate node [] in package [ros_control_example]
I have been trying to build and run ros_control_example( package. But, it seems I have done something wrong.
I have created catkin_ws folder and cloned it from github to catkin_ws/src folder and catkin_make finished without any error. And also I have added it to .bashrc(source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash)
But when I try to run this package with "roslaunch ros_control_example check_velocity_controller.launch"
it gives "ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ros_control_example/]: can't locate node [] in package [ros_control_example]" But that python code "" is under "~/catkin_ws/src/ros_control_example/ros_control_example/scripts/" folder.
And an empty rviz starts.
What should I have to do to solve this issue?
I've updated the title of your post to better reflect what the problem is you report.
This is not related to RViz.