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Definition for ROS packages on Debian Squeeze

asked 2012-07-30 00:47:34 -0600

kaharoth gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:13:11 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

Hi everybody, I am trying to install ROS on Debian. I followed the experimental guide for installing ROS Fuerte in Debian. Everything went well except when I have to launch the command: rosdep install -ay

I receive the output shown below and it fails. I saw that for gentoo someone solved this problem using a custom 20-default.list. Is there anything like that for Debian Squeeze 6.0.5 ? Thank you. John

john@debreef:~$ rosdep install -ay
Executing script below with cwd=/tmp
export PREFIX=/usr/
[ f932cebad87302d8ea0ec1fd39b24d99 = `cat $PREFIX/include/eigen3/eigen-version.installed` ]


cat: /usr//include/eigen3/eigen-version.installed: No such file or directory
/tmp/tmpQxTN84: line 3: [: f932cebad87302d8ea0ec1fd39b24d99: unary operator expected
Executing script below with cwd=/tmp
set -o errexit
dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Status}\n' yaml-cpp-sourcedep 2>&1 | awk '{\
if ($4 =="installed") 
  exit 0
  print "yaml-cpp-sourcedep not installed"
  exit 1}'


yaml-cpp-sourcedep not installed
Executing script below with cwd=/tmp
export PREFIX=/usr/
if [ -f $PREFIX/include/assimp/assimp-version.installed ]; then
  [ 2ed0b9954bcb2572c0dade8f849b9260 = `cat $PREFIX/include/assimp/assimp-version.installed` ]


ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
image_view: No definition of [opencv2] for OS [debian]
runtime_monitor: No definition of [swig-wx] for OS [debian]
carrot_planner: Missing resource pcl
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/home/john/ros/navigation
ROS path [2]=/home/john/ros/diagnostics
ROS path [3]=/home/john/ros/common
ROS path [4]=/home/john/ros/robot_model_tutorials
ROS path [5]=/home/john/ros/laser_pipeline
ROS path [6]=/home/john/ros/simulator_gazebo
ROS path [7]=/home/john/ros/visualization_tutorials
ROS path [8]=/home/john/ros/geometry
ROS path [9]=/home/john/ros/pluginlib
ROS path [10]=/home/john/ros/bullet
ROS path [11]=/home/john/ros/robot_model
ROS path [12]=/home/john/ros/xacro
ROS path [13]=/home/john/ros/image_transport_plugins
ROS path [14]=/home/john/ros/dynamic_reconfigure
ROS path [15]=/home/john/ros/stage
ROS path [16]=/home/john/ros/executive_smach
ROS path [17]=/home/john/ros/driver_common
ROS path [18]=/home/john/ros/physics_ode
ROS path [19]=/home/john/ros/visualization_common
ROS path [20]=/home/john/ros/python_qt_binding
ROS path [21]=/home/john/ros/bond_core
ROS path [22]=/home/john/ros/image_common
ROS path [23]=/home/john/ros/geometry_visualization
ROS path [24]=/home/john/ros/common_rosdeps
ROS path [25]=/home/john/ros/diagnostics_monitors
ROS path [26]=/home/john/ros/bfl
ROS path [27]=/home/john/ros/image_pipeline
ROS path [28]=/home/john/ros/common_tutorials
ROS path [29]=/home/john/ros/robot_model_visualization
ROS path [30]=/home/john/ros/geometry_experimental
ROS path [31]=/home/john/ros/perception_pcl
ROS path [32]=/home/john/ros/vision_opencv
ROS path [33]=/home/john/ros/visualization
ROS path [34]=/home/john/ros/executive_smach_visualization
ROS path [35]=/home/john/ros/slam_gmapping
ROS path [36]=/home/john/ros/filters
ROS path [37]=/home/john/ros/orocos_kinematics_dynamics
ROS path [38]=/home/john/ros/geometry_tutorials
ROS path [39]=/home/john/ros/nodelet_core
ROS path [40]=/opt/ros ...
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4 Answers

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answered 2012-09-11 17:33:39 -0600

tfoote gravatar image

Overall I think your problem is that there's quite a few rosdep rules which are not filled in for debian. How to submit rosdep rules You will also likely run into issues that there may be packages available for ubuntu but not debian which will need to be satisfied from source.

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answered 2012-09-11 12:48:05 -0600

kaharoth gravatar image

Sorry for the late reply. By the way I tried to execute that command and the output is the one you say it should display.

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answered 2012-07-31 12:52:19 -0600

joq gravatar image

What does this show on your system:

$ rosdep resolve libqt4-dev

On Fuerte, it should display:


If not, you probably have the wrong rosdep version or need to update your database.

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answered 2012-09-15 08:10:15 -0600

damjan gravatar image

I am having the same issue, trying to install the "mobile" variant of Fuerte on Squeeze. I would like to solve the problem the "right" way and update rosdep rules. However, I am confused by the gpbdistro files in my sources.list

In my case, the PCL library is the major missing dependency that makes my rosdep install -a fail. Calling rosdep resolve pcl returns

ERROR: No definition of [pcl] for OS [debian]

as expected. My sources .list are pointing at fuerte.yaml, which has a pcl tag defined. However this is not in standard rosdep.yaml format, but in the gpbdistro format. I can't figure out how to update the files (or even which file to update), in order to create an appropriate rosdep rule for pcl on debian.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Asked: 2012-07-30 00:47:34 -0600

Seen: 892 times

Last updated: Sep 15 '12