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RGBDSLAM Fuerte rosmake problem

asked 2012-07-31 09:43:50 -0500

HITE gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:13:12 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hi, I have been fighting to rosmake the RGBDSLAM tutorial, and I have fixed many problems already. However, I am stuck at this point. I have checked the many other errors that are being asked about, and this doesn't seem to have come up. Does anyone know how to fix the following errors from the build (it looks like I am missing a stack or something)?

/home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void GLViewer::paintGL()’: /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:176:45: error: ‘gluPerspective’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void GLViewer::resizeGL(int, int)’: /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:234:41: error: ‘gluPerspective’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp: In member function ‘void GLViewer::pointCloud2GLStrip(pointcloud_type)’: /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:340:36: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:342:36: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:345:35: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:366:38: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:398:33: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:423:33: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp: In member function ‘void GLViewer::pointCloud2GLList(const pointcloud_type)’: /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:494:33: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:498:33: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:502:31: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:509:31: error: ‘hasValidXYZ’ was not declared in this scope /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp: In member function ‘bool GLViewer::setClickedPosition(int, int)’: /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/src/glviewer.cpp:585:91: error: ‘gluUnProject’ was not declared in this scope make[3]: * [CMakeFiles/rgbdslam.dir/src/glviewer.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory /home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/build' make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/rgbdslam.dir/all] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory/home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/build' make[1]: * [all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/virus/ros_workspace/rgbdslam/build'

Thank you.

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Thank you for the reply. The post you have linked is what I have used to solve many of the problems up to this point, however the missing declarations in glviewer don't seem to have been addressed yet. I was hoping someone could give me some more information about what is missing.

HITE gravatar image HITE  ( 2012-08-01 02:43:09 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2012-07-31 14:18:36 -0500

joq gravatar image

RGBDSLAM is not yet released to Fuerte.

You may get some help from this question.

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answered 2012-08-08 05:17:33 -0500

HITE gravatar image

The following link ( has another solution to rgbdslam in fuerte which is helpful but still has some problems.

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Asked: 2012-07-31 09:43:50 -0500

Seen: 380 times

Last updated: Aug 08 '12